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Visioning is planning to achieve something worthwhile in future and striving for it.


It takes vision to create but it takes faith and courage to prove. Anyone who limits his vision to memories of the past is already dead.


"An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision." - James Whistler


Visions can be about change or about the way an individual or organization wants to live or operate.


An ideal behavior is at the core of Muhammad’s vision  “I was not sent except to perfect moral characters”  Prophet Muhammad (saw)


Faith, Integrity, Trust, Reflection (fikr)

Consciousness (taqwa), Knowledge,

Justice (adl), Forgiveness, are some of the attributes of excellence.

People or organizations with no vision have no future. Vision without action is daydreaming and action without vision is disaster waiting to happen.


A vision can be about self, family, community, profession or business.


Corporate vision drives unwavering commitment to continuous quality improvement, to meet or exceed customers' expectations.


"Without ethics, man has no future. This is to say, mankind without them cannot be itself. Ethics determine choices and actions and suggest difficult priorities" John Berger

Vision is also about transitioning from a person of mediocrity (rukhsa) to a person of high stature (azeema).


Corporate vision is building on existing strengths and developing new competencies.


It's to be efficient, profitable, and driven by market demand ... to be a company that customers, employees, and stakeholders can depend on.


No one technology company has had as many innovations as Apple has—it is why they still survive and lead in a brutally competitive electronic market.

"Apple to be the epicenter of the technology industry" Steve Job's vision


A vision has clarity, is relevant, is purpose driven, is based on values, is challenging, unique, and inspiring


Visioning PROCESS include mission statement, goals, planning, tasks and follow up


"2000 stores by the year 2000." Howard Schultz, of Starbucks Coffee Company

"Apple to be the epicenter of the technology industry" Steve Job's vision


A vision has clarity, is relevant, is purpose driven, is based on values, is challenging, unique, and inspiring


"The vision must be followed by the venture. It is not enough to stare up the steps - we must step up the stairs"
Vance Havn